I'm plugging along on the socks for my mom's birthday (December 2). She's already picked out the yarn, and the pattern, so she knows about the whole affair (she also reads this blog). I even tried the first sock on her foot on Thanksgiving day so that I could make sure it was a "custom-fit." My mother has always had on obsession with purple, so this colorway is the perfect one for her! It's one of my very favorite yarns too! Fiesta Boomerang. If you've never knit with it before, do try it! I'm not working for Fiesta, and I'm certainly not getting any free yarn here, but I must say that this stuff makes fabulous sport-weight socks. Yeah, yeah, the label reads worsted weight, but apparently, it's wrong. I couldn't possibly be wrong, the label is. I've knit socks in worsted weight yarn before (trying to prove my point here). They are much thicker than this sock knit with Fiesta. I would say though, that this yarn knits a pretty thick sport weight sock. But oh my, is it smooshy! I took it into my LYS on Friday, and the owner actually thought it was made out of something other than wool - it is that soft and squishy!

As almost all hand painted yarns, it sometimes pools a bit, but it also stripes as it pools - which makes no sense whatsoever in the knitting realm. I personally feel that this adds character and depth (no rationalization here, nope, nothing to see). I do really like how it stripes at the heel and toe. And when you knit the heel, different colors become more dominant on the heel flap where you S1, K1. The first sock had a dominant light blue/gray color, and the second sock has more mauve and purple dominance coming through on the heel flap. The whole dominance factor here could segue into a conversation about social class and rank, basically politics, etc. But that stuff is too heavy for a knitting blog.
Speaking of the heel of a sock, I am in love with the heel flap and turn (I just knit it tonight, so I'm still basking in the afterglow. It's a good thing I don't smoke). I think I read in one of the Yarn Harlot's books that she loves doing heel flaps and turns. The whole process makes her feel smart every time. I totally agree.
BUT, I must admit that I've never knit a short row heel. I've never knit a sock toe-up. I plan on these things for the new year.
Enough sock talk for one night. I'm on a mission to finish this pair this week, as well as my nephew's sweater. And then one 18 month sweater to knit, a scarf to begin (nad finish obviously), a second scarf to finish, and two small purses to knit in chunky yarn....Think I can make it? If not, please don't tell me! Or wait, yes, tell me. I love working in the face of adversity. I laugh at it - NOT!