I just realized (I like living in my constant state of denial) that Christmas is less than 2 months away! I was talking with my mother about our Thanksgiving plans tonight, and realized that Thanksgiving is really only about 30 days away (it's actually less, I know).
Time always seems to fly right after Thanksgiving, and before I know it, it's time for Christmas. Throw in a couple of relatives' birthdays, and we're practically Holly Jolly now.
You know where this is leading don't you? The knitting plan for gifts!
There are three sweaters to knit for my youngest brother's children (one is on the needles and about 50% done). The other two are still figments of my imagination. Luckily, they are young tots, and so small sweaters are the order of the day.
My mom's birthday is in December - her socks are on the needles as well.
My daughters have requested socks - they are debating....Harry Potter or camouflage - I do have daughters right? They sometimes act like boys.....camouflage? Yeah, well....
My favorite aunt has also purchased sock yarn for me to knit, and also a fabulous skein of Mountain Colors to be knit into fingerless gloves.....Hello! - second time around with Maine Morning Mitts....(we won't talk about the screw up on the thumbs that I did on the last pair. But, just curious, did you know that if you knit counter clockwise, in the round, you get what you knit - if you knit a stitch, you get a a knit stitch (garter stitch). If you knit a purl stitch, you get a purl stitch.....are you getting what happened to me? Can you tell I'm a magic loop kind of gal, and did these on DPN's? Yeah well, learned my lesson. At least I hope). I did really love this pattern, but I can see that I will need to gather some help with the thumbs to be sure I don't screw up the next pair.
And lastly there's this scarf that I started - with this yarn.
Now, I've used a lot of hand-dyed yarn in the past, but have never had it bleed or turn things (like my needles) different colors. My fingers turn pink while knitting, and my bamboo needles look like they might be small harpoons for Red Lobster - help? Anyone know of a cure? I've already got quite a bit done on this scarf, and it's 60 stitches wide on US #6 needles. It's beautiful yarn, but jeez, I hate to knit something afterwards if I put a couple of rows on this every night (which is what I'm doing to keep the interest sparked). I'm afraid all of my knitting will become Lobsterish.....does this in any way relate to Rose-tinted glasses? "Yes, that's right. I really couldn't give you my definite opinion on that issue, Sir, because, you see, I view the world through Lobster colored needles."
Ok - enough of this post. Exhaustion and Holiday pressure doesn't mix. Especially when there aren't pictures involved for your enjoyment. Any comments on the bleeding yarn would be appreciated! Have a great week! I know I will....the Federal Government is doing their once every 3-year audit this week at work! :)