My knitting life is in such a rut! Have you ever experienced this? I have numerous projects (many more than I care to admit) currently on the needles, and really, not one of them is calling my name, which is very unusual! I am stumped! I hate this quality in myself....namely, the inability to finish things. Sometimes I start a new project like gang-busters and it's barely on the needles (BSJ) by the time it's finished, but then, some projects languish around for 45 days or more, just biding time until they get a little attention from me....for shame! Yarn acquisition has not stopped, I read my favorite knitting blogs on a regular basis (thank you for your inspiring knitting and funny anecdotes), so you'd think I'd be happily knitting away! I'm knitting, but it appears that I'm knitting and knitting, and no progress is being made. It feels like a big, black hole. I hate holes in knitting! I have tried ignoring the knitting (I can't do this. I'm poor at being patient, and knitting calms my nerves), starting a new project (this only feeds the inability to finish the ones already started), and continue to constantly read about knitting. I have bought new yarn to excite, and alas....I cannot allow myself to begin one new project without finishing some of the old.
I have decided the best approach to this "problem" is to knit through this period. Just keep knitting, knitting, knitting. I'm limiting myself to working on two projects at any given time until at least one of them is done. I've discovered that project monogamy is a sure-fire way to see some definite progress, but I can't limit myself solely to a mammoth project, such as a big, log cabin blanket or a sweater, because the garter and stockinette stitch will bore me to death. Although yesterday, while watching the A&E version of P&P, I knit solely on my sweater. It does not appear that I made much progress at all (see big black hole lament above). I might add that I did take a little, wee nap as well. OK, maybe it wasn't a wee nap! :) But I did only knit on that sweater yesterday. It's a lovely sweater. The yarn is nice to work with, and I know I'll appreciate the finished project. It's the very first sweater I've knit for myself. I suspect that I'm afraid to take it off the needles as I'm afraid it won't fit (never mind that I've frogged it once already for size issues). Could this be affecting my desire and funk? Don't even mention the gauge monster, as I had the specified gauge measurements on the first try, and it proved to be too small. PS - I even took my measurements, FPS!
Well, in all efforts to stay is the first day of fall. I love fall! It's my favorite season! Its only downfall (no pun intended) is that is precedes winter, which is my least favorite season. Its many attributes outweigh the one downfall. The colors are starting to come alive here in PA. So, to celebrate fall, I'm going to promise to post more often, and about more positive things, even if I feel like I'm in a funk ('cause who wants to read more whining), knit through this "black hole" period, and generally start to cut through the crap. Life's too short.
How are you celebrating the advent of fall?