You came too quickly. Yet, you didn’t arrive fast enough. How’s that for a paradox? I love the months of September and October. Your mere arrival is joyous, save the fact that you precede the Winter months.
So, October, I’m looking to you to help me revive my sock knitting mojo. I’ve lost it, you see. Somewhere amidst the shawls, the hats, and Ravelry. I used to be so passionate for sock knitting. I always looked forward to knitting socks. I’ve always been enamored with the frivolity associated with knitting socks. Who needs knitted socks, I mean really? They are a decadence, pure and simple. Knitting them has always been pure joy. But how do I explain the socks on the needles that have been languishing for months now? I can’t. The mojo has just gone.
By now you may be asking yourself what’s so special about sock knitting and October? What about the month of October is going to magically inspire me to knit socks again? Kristen Kapur, the lovely lady of Through The Loops Designs, organizes a mystery sock KAL (knit a-long). It starts on October 1st. Each week she introduces a new clue or part of a pattern for participants to knit. The pattern is free! So, to recap......I’ll start the socks, only be able to knit so far on them each week until the next clue is released, and then hopefully I’ll finish them at the end of the month. I think this KAL has enough pizazz to kick start my sock knitting again.
And if that can’t do it, maybe knitting the socks with this amazing yarn from Madelinetosh will get me into gear! It’s their superwash sock in the fabulously Fall colorway of Copper Penny. It’s really not a Fall colorway, but it reminds me of Fall with its amazing shades of Autumn colors.

In closing, October, I'm enamored. You already knew that. I hope you inspire me to knit something amazing today.