Thursday, January 3, 2008

Happy Feet!

Not having a Christmas gift knitting list has really set me free! No deadlines, no pressure. Even though this first pair of socks is left over from the Christmas list, I don't feel the nagging of THE DEADLINE hanging over my head. Rather, I am actually knitting them more often. The yarn I'm using is Shibui Knits - my first time knitting with this particular yarn. To be brutally honest, I'm pretty ambivalent about the yarn. It's not anywhere near my favorite, and I've had a little trouble with it so far. It is nice and soft, and the knitted piece does have a nice feel. The color is great, and it's doing a nice little stripey dance.....BUT, it's still a bit of a disappointment for me.

In case you haven't noticed, I haven't reviewed the 2007 knits, and I haven't made any resolutions for the New Year. I like Nell's idea of setting goals, but I worry that setting them will only create more deadlines/pressure. This will not make 2008 great, or 2009 for that matter.
Because one of my aspirations (yes that's a nice word) is to try and be more relaxed.
OK - Here's the list of things I'm ASPIRING TO for 2008......
1. Learn to RELAX! Please note that this does not come easy for us type "A" personalities. Cough, Choke, Gag. Moving on......
2. Knit what I want and finish things before starting a new project. Don't let gift knitting weigh me down. Not that gift or even charity knitting is bad - I really support it, but there is always some body's birthday, and there is always a holiday looming (even if it's 11 months ahead). I want to be a little more discerning in my gift giving. Don't worry Adie, this does not mean you. And it does not mean that anyone that I've given hand knits to in the past has not been appreciative, but I seriously can't knit for everyone. See aspiration #1...this would not be relaxing.
3. Become more conscious of what I put into my body and how much I'm moving that body. Happy feet are feet that are either moving or propped while knitting.....Our local gym is having a wonderful thing - An anonymous donor has donated a lot of money to help people lose weight. All you have to do is weigh in before January 5th, and if you lose at least 8 lbs by April 1st, they will pay you $10/lb, up to 20 lbs. Move the herd on in and get going! MOOO......That's what I feel like! But it is raising a lot of money and awareness of a smaller gym facility, and is increasing the health of our community, so I'm for all of that. If only I could get some time on the treadmill now.....
Before you ask it or think it, I'm not going on any diets, but I am cutting a few things. I may need you to hold me accountable. Things like - NO SODA (or maybe once a week). Limit chocolate to once a day, not 4 times. Small piece of chocolate, not whole candy bars, or 2 Hershey Kisses, not 10. You know, just cut back, but still ALLOW myself some guilty pleasures in smaller portions, and not so frequently....
4. Move my body in exercise at least 3-4 times per week. Deliberate exercise. I'm not getting any younger, and I want to live to see my grandchildren (in 30 years). This is not as much to lose weight as it is to get healthy. I mean it. If I lose weight, then so be it. BONUS!
5. New job starting soon - make new kinder, more tolerant of people, situations, etc. Note to self - this means drivers on the road as well. Just "Feel the Love" at 25 miles per hour! :)
6. Get back to being more connected with God. Seriously, I have felt very disconnected from my spiritual life for awhile. I need to be more vigilant of this. I think this will help with all aspirations, #1-#5.

Gosh, this does sound like a resolution or a goal list, but I'm still calling it my plethora of aspirations (notice the deliberate non-use of the word "list" as well).

And while I'm doing all of this (maybe not the exercise bit, 'cause it could get really sweaty), I'm going to have happy feet, because I'm going to be wearing these cool things! I love the colors! They striping is so nice, and the stockinette stitch is so relaxing. They make me smile! :)


Unknown said...

Goals. Apirations. Whatever you want to call them, those are good ones! I'm trying to think of them little reminders through the year. Little thoughts to have in the back of my head.

Nice socks, btw!

Knitting Kris said...

Nell, I'm so sorry...I didn't mean to offend you - your goals are great! I meant to "trick" my mind into thinking that I'm not setting goals, see the perfectionist side of me for more details. So sorry if I offended in anyway! :(

peaknits said...

The socks are great - the aspirations too! Nice. (and I don't want to speak for Nell, but I am guessing you didn't offend one bit - semantics, right?:)

I love the idea that your gym has come up with - how motivating! Hope you find your feet happy all year long!