Sunday, August 26, 2007

Quince Socks - Finished!

Yeah! Here they are in all their glory! Quince socks finished. How do you like the little sheep on my coffee table? Speaking of coffee tables - why is there no coffee on the table if it's called a coffee table? Where's the logic in that? Does anyone else ever think of these things, or is it only me? Since I don't get many comments, I expect it may only be me.......

The stats: Fiesta Boomerang Yarn
Size #3 Addi Turbo 40" needles
Started - July 26, 2007, Finished August 26, 2007....pathetic time-frame! I'm a bit distracted lately (see previous posts about too much work).
So, whilst I had some daylight time (no working today - still taking ibuprofen for my upper back)......I also photographed this shawl I've been working on. Now, I started this shawl back in the end of May. I bought the lovely yarn at the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival from Dancing Leaf Farm, and thought I had enough yarn. It's their Rhumba yarn in the Mermaid colorway. Well, one skein just wasn't enough (I originally knit it in stockinette stitch). So I called the owner, Dalis, and she mailed me another skein - but not quite the same variant of the colorway, so I just alternate the yarn every other row, and also switched to a garter stitch pattern. I call it my dishcloth shawl, because way back before I could even purl, I made these little yarn-over (yo) dishcloths out of cotton yarn. I could pump those babies out pretty quickly....this shawl, not so quickly. But I love the colors, and it's an easy knit, allowing me to watch a movie or TV while knitting. The only problem is that it is very thick merino wool - thicker than worsted weight, and well, the weather is very humid. So I almost feel like I'm perspiring while knitting it. Notice the choice word "perspiring" instead of the alternatives......

So, yesterday, I did not do much in the form of housework. But I did stuff all (ok, 95%) of my sock yarn into ziplock baggies and put them back into their storage. I am currently reading some new knitting books, recently acquired from Knit Picks (more about their book sale in another post), and I got scared of a possible moth never know if it will happen, and I don't want any sock yarn destroyed because I didn't protect it! So today, I'm cleaning up the rest of that room, if my back allows......

Now, to start another sock or maybe to work on the ones I already have cast-on in the Pebbles colorway from STR (Socks That Rock). Oh, the choices are endless!


Alyson said...

Oooh, I'm working on some Boomerangs too! I think I'll move down to a US3, though - I'm trying it out on a 4, and I think yours look better. I've only done a few rounds.

Kay said...

The shawl did not show up on my screen. I got to see the socks but I may have to wait till next week at crafts to see the shawl!